Frequently Asked Questions

We use the courier guy to do our deliveries and we cover most parts of the country.

Some of our products are restricted to our members or to people that have been issued a prescription from a doctor. Please make sure you log in as a member in order to see all of our products.

We endeavour to ship your products as soon as possible. We are however reliant on the couriers we use. We will keep you updated every step of the way. 

#-- Display Crossed Out Price for a specific Wholesale Role --# function hide_cart_item_price_for_specific_role( $wholesale_price_html, $price, $product, $user_wholesale_role, $wholesale_price_title_text, $raw_wholesale_price, $source, $wholesale_price ) { global $wc_wholesale_prices_premium; $user_wholesale_role = $wc_wholesale_prices_premium->wwpp_wholesale_roles->getUserWholesaleRole(); $role_to_show_price = 'wholesale_customer'; if ( ! in_array($role_to_show_price, $user_wholesale_role) ) { $wholesale_price_html = ' ' . $wholesale_price_title_text . ' '. $wholesale_price .' '; } return $wholesale_price_html; } add_filter('wwp_filter_wholesale_price_html', 'hide_cart_item_price_for_specific_role', 10, 8 );