Time 4 Tea – Just Black & Cherry Tea CBD


A terrific detoxifying blend of Black Forest tea, a blend of rich creamy chocolate and sweet/tart cherries, loaded with antioxidants. This loose leaf, fruity tea is terrific hot or iced.

Health benefits:
* May help combat tumours and cancers.
* Constipation.
* Blood pressure.
* Reduces cholesterol.
* Improves muscle repair.
* Detox.
* Inflammation.
* Improves mood and energy.
* Immune system.
* Reduces Uric Acid to combat Gout.


A terrific detoxifying blend of Black Forest tea, a blend of rich creamy chocolate and sweet/tart cherries, and absolute taste treat! Perfect as a dessert tea – you can add a splash of brandy to remind you of brandied cherries. This loose leaf, fruity tea is terrific hot or iced and loaded with antioxidants.

Health benefits:
* May help combat tumours and cancers.
* Relieves constipation, including chemotherapy-related constipation.
* Lowers blood pressure.
* Reduces cholesterol.
* Improves muscle repair.
* Detox properties help flush out unwanted toxins from the body.
* Fights inflammation – Such as Liver disease, Endometriosis, Diabetes Type 1 & 2, Inflammatory Bowel disease (IBD), Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Diseases and Cancer.
* Improves mood and energy.
* Strengthens Immune system.
* Reduces Uric Acid to combat Gout.

Additional information

Weight 0.015 kg
Dimensions 13.5 × 6 × 18.5 cm
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