Ding Fudge CBD


Traditional creamy fudge infused with the purest medical grade full spectrum cannabis distillate. This is fudge like you have never tasted before. There are two delicious slabs in each packet.
Sugar, Condensed Milk, Milk, Cream, Milk Powder, Butter, Vegetable Fat, Honey, Salt, Vanilla essence, Lime & full spectrum cannabis distillate.


Traditional creamy fudge infused with the purest medical grade full spectrum cannabis distillate. This is fudge like you have never tasted before. There are two delicious slabs in each packet.
Sugar, Condensed Milk, Milk, Cream, Milk Powder, Butter, Vegetable Fat, Honey, Salt, Vanilla essence, Lime & full spectrum cannabis distillate.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 7.5 × 3.5 × 1.5 cm
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