Snow Fungus


Snow Fungus: Boost Skin Health & Wellness

  • Rich in polysaccharides & antioxidants
  • Promotes skin anti-aging & collagen production
  • Supports brain health & cognitive function
  • Lowers risk of heart disease & inflammation
  • Regulates blood sugar & immune system

The power of Snow Fungus for radiant skin & overall wellness!


Snow Fungus, prized in traditional Chinese medicine for its remarkable health benefits.

This gelatinous, coral-shaped fungus is abundant in:

  • Bioactive polysaccharides, promoting skin rejuvenation and collagen synthesis.
  • Potent antioxidants, combating oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Neuroprotective compounds, enhancing cognitive function and memory.
  • Cardiovascular health promoters, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Blood sugar regulators, supporting healthy glucose levels.
  • Immune system modulators, enhancing overall immunity.

Experience the incredible benefits of Snow Fungus for:

  • Skin anti-aging and rejuvenation.
  • Collagen production and skin elasticity.
  • Brain health and cognitive function.
  • Heart health and cardiovascular wellness.
  • Blood sugar regulation and metabolic health.
  • Immune system boosting and overall wellness.

Snow Fungus for a radiant and healthy skin, and a holistic approach to wellness.

View Brochure

Additional information

Weight 0.140 kg
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 12 cm
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