Ultimate Bath Bombs Set


Dive into a world of relaxation and delight with our incredible CBD-infused bath Fizzies!
Soak away the stress and let the CBD work its wonders as you unwind in a blissful oasis of tranquillity.
Health benefits:
* Balances the skin.
* Helps prevent skin infections.
* Treats the appearance of scars.
* Treats dryness and itching.
* Anti-inflammatory.
* Help prevent ageing.
* Moisturises and heals the skin.
* Soothes tired and aching muscles

10 bath fizz balls in each packet.

Out of stock


Dive into a world of relaxation and delight with our incredible CBD-infused bath Fizzies!
As our fizzy ball dissolves, it releases bursts of vibrant hues and an enchanting aroma, turning your bath into a magical experience! Infused with CBD, enhancing the healing and relaxing properties of the bath salts.

Health benefits:
* Balances the skin’s natural oil production.
* Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties prevent skin infections.
* Treats the appearance of scars.
* Treats dryness and itching.
* Anti-inflammatory properties.
* Antioxidant properties.
* Moisturises and heals the skin.
* Soothes tired and aching muscles

10 bath fizz balls in each packet.

Additional information

Cosmetic Flavour

Sea Breeze

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